Our Approach
We are committed to a broad range of environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) commitments that elevate our business, create value for our stakeholders, support our employees and customers, and show respect to the local communities in which we work.
Our policy and initiatives are designed to support our progress in developing ESG commitments and further integrating sustainability into our business decisions.
We are committed to making sustainability a core component of its business in order to build a better future and focus on improving efficiency through the use and integration of data and technology. As a result, we are able to reduce consumption, better manage assets and invest capital more efficiently, which in turn generates better returns, reduces costs and supports our global employees.
We are also placing a heightened focus on reducing our embodied carbon from our development projects. To address this, we have developed a proprietary Life Cycle Assessment Guidebook, supplemented by an international data set of more than 50 GLP logistics assets, that provides a standardized framework to measure potential greenhouse gas emissions from our new developments across the globe.
GLP’s Sustainability Principles
ESG Achievements